Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Technology Inventory

During my practicum I had time to meet with the computer teacher to do a technology inventory that can be looked at in my wiki at
It was quite interesting to hear what she had to say. They seemed quite adept with all the technology they had. They definately had lab tops for students to each have one in class. They also had digital cameras. No doubt that doesn't sound like a big deal, but I feel that every school that has even those basic technology equipment means they're quite involved with technology. Hearing what other fellow classmates had to say in that school, the students seemed quite comfortable and aware of using technology - even in their classroom! I know for a fact that in our classroom the teacher had 3 computers, of which 2 of them had internet. I think that was a great idea so that students are able to get comfortable with even using the internet when wanting to find information for butterflies for example. I also appreciated that the teacher was explaining how they've got restrictions however on the internet for the students. That puts them at low risk if parents feel that their students aren't learning anything using technology.
I really did like how they too emphasize technology in their learning. It helps student develop with technology. We can't fight it but this is really the technology generation so instead of fighting it, one should help them develop into it and progress efficiently - and I feel that the school has been doing a good job and embedding and sprinkling technology in their daily classes.
In one of the fifth grade classes I was observing, the teacher used for just about everything that had to do with science. He also got his computer set up with the projector to play games and movie clips. Then in a fourth grade class I was observing the teacher had used the projector and a website to show the students about fractions.
So in subtle ways, teachers are using technology and students are learning how it's done!

I liked the ease of technology in this school and wouldn't be surprised if the students were able to show me a thing or two on technology!

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